Amore al Tramonto

Dai amica mia che un giorno capirai che l'amor che ti do io non l'avrai mai, piu' mai! Quel giorno tu saprai che il vero paradis...

Waiting for you

 It's been a week since I saw you last time

and then only for an evening at the movies.

There was another week without seeing you!

It's probably better not to see each other too

often! Waiting for you now gives me pleasant

thoughts about this interlude. I am literally

on edge counting the minutes or hours

(whichever one comes first) before you arrive!

For I know that your smile and shining bright eyes,

your hug will make my day! Is that all? Well, it's

plenty because we are going for a walk or just

choose to do whatever we want. By now all is good,

whatever the activity! What matters is to be together.

Happiness after all comes sometimes from

the simplicity of our expectations. No need

for much as long as we go out and have fun

together. See the sights, stop under trees

and statues, gaze at the flowing Merri Creek,

drive through our busy Melbourne roads

and enjoy our company, as we catch up

with our big list of daily chores and events.

Our friendship is strong, we can even withstand

an unexpected interruption! Like what has just

happened. I had forgotten that the Telstra

technician was due to come today in our

afternoon meeting. Lucky us that I have so many

books and much to see here in this warehouse

where I spent my days continuing with my various

activities. On the other hand you live near the beach

and have a totally different lifestyle. It's a wonder

that we meet as often as we do! Even with the best

of intentions, sometimes we cannot meet and catch up

for a Sunset evening by the beach or going to one

of our clubs dancing. Well maybe things will improve...

but now let me have this NBN connection. After this

our own connections will be stronger, faster

and more frequently!