Finding a person to love is like finding a needle
in a haystack. Generally we find love in our younger
days when we fall for each other and cannot live
without the other... or rather, we make a commitment
to 'love', to remain together, to be one. Then it so happens
that our 'love' wanes perhaps, but we move along with it
because we develop each other into unity, with family
and friends.We share our life, we make progress. Not
always. For some that 'love' gets lost and each person
finds that they made a mistake... so separation, divorce,
living again on one's own turf is the new reality. Others
do this later in life, except when death arrives and knocks
on our partner's door! Here is a new reality. One that arrives
naturally with warnings or no warnings at all. So we are left
on our own and still needing 'love' in our life... and, if we are
lucky, we find 'love' again! This time 'love' is no longer
a stranger. 'Love' becomes a friend, a companion and it follows
us daily in our journey. Going to activities and outings together
forges strong bonds of friendship. Here 'love' is more mature, real!
For even if we live apart, we are together in spirit. We want our
sunset years to be happy ones, full of adventure and fun.
Laughter in our company, sharing ideas, wanting to understand
the other, but fully knowing our individuality. For even if we love
each other, this does not mean being truly one all the time!
We live our own life and make allowances for each other's
commitments and likes. Loving you is no problem at all when we
understand that 'love' is mutual and it is shared like a box
of chocolates and a glass of brandy or cognac, watching
a favourite movie or just remaining silent on a Sunset
evening at the beach. Love, joy and happiness is us now!