Amore al Tramonto

Dai amica mia che un giorno capirai che l'amor che ti do io non l'avrai mai, piu' mai! Quel giorno tu saprai che il vero paradis...

Dancing with you

 I have just come back to dancing after a number of years

of not doing so. How lucky I am now that you are my dancing

partner and a generous one at that! For you like to dance

with other good dancers and so do I. A perfect match, it seems!

Your energy, vitality and sense of fun is infectious. You are spoiling

me with this time on the dance floor. I am even losing some weight

along the way whilst having a lot of fun. The company you keep,

the places we visit are in tune with our experience dancing to 'our'

music! So what is 'our music'? It's strange to say it. It is the music

of our youthful years, the songs we remember, the tunes we like...

and we are lucky to have in our city the venues that are suitable

for so many Third Age people, who still think and behave young.

What is time after all? Are we not still young in terms of Eternity?

Let's not prejudice our golden years by focusing on age. Rather let's

look at ourselves and continue to be whom we have always been!

We are interested in living and taking each day as it comes, helping it

along with good humour and laughter. Yes, keeping things 'light and

breezy' suits us well. We wake up each day and welcome the sun.

The same sun that went to sleep last night after our Sunset Love

time on the sand,  as we admired the horizon between sky and sea!

Such is happiness when love and mutual care is welcomed in our lair.

All we need to remember is that each day is special and we must

protect our togetherness! The bond that binds and lasts whilst

rejoicing in our freedom and carefree attitude. That's it for now!