Amore al Tramonto

Dai amica mia che un giorno capirai che l'amor che ti do io non l'avrai mai, piu' mai! Quel giorno tu saprai che il vero paradis...

Companion, love, friend

I am trying to work out the order of these three: companion,

love, friend for this Sunset Book 3. Companion for giving each

other quality time in pleasant and mutually satisfying activities.

Going to a movie, a few hours at the beach to watch the sunset,

a picnic or dinner for two, going out to a symphony orchestra

performance at the Myer Music Bowl, an outing on the Mornington

Peninsula, then picking blueberries off the road. So many other

activities already experienced and more to come. Who knows?

Love for looking after each other, thinking healthy thoughts

with care and optimism, having joy in the presence of each other

and generally wanting the best for the other. Friend is special

because a friend in need is a friend indeed! A friend you can trust

and hold dear, in spite of any distance or being near! These three

wise kings of our emotional well being are the ones we want

to travel together, as time goes by. For time is a precious

commodity not to be wasted in unnecessary banter

or conversations that lead nowhere. In these cases silence

is perhaps the mother's milk that every baby needs.

We know that such milk is not always available naturally

or by design.Then is this order right? For Sunset Love I think

it is. Circumstance and reality play their part in our togetherness.

We protect our freedom by doing this. That's the price we must

pay to retain liberty.  Such is the way it has to be...  and it is!