Amore al Tramonto

Dai amica mia che un giorno capirai che l'amor che ti do io non l'avrai mai, piu' mai! Quel giorno tu saprai che il vero paradis...

How good is it!

 How good is it when friendship is settled

and we can now give each other the freedom

that we need. Yet remaining in tune with each

other and allowing activities to develop naturally

day by day, if time allows! To think that all this was

at the end of our tunnel when we did not know

whether we would be compatible friends and reliable

companions. But time has proven us right on so many

levels, relishing in our outings and sharing of ideas.

We have left out very little that we needed to tell

each other before a true amicability could set in. Now

we can relax in the knowledge that we can continue

to enjoy our developed understanding of our needs

and wants for social, cultural and interpersonal choices.

We both love our languages and the history of the years

that we have lived up to date. We love family, friends

and people in general... although we don't suffer fools

that easily! (I do suffer them more easily than you!)

We enjoy good company, the banter of good times,

watching a good movie. So much more that we have

shared over these last summer months. It has been

a good time to pick up again after so many years

in which we lived separate lives. Now that the sun

is setting over the horizon, we cherish each day

in the other's personality. What more can we want?

And wonder how we can repeat this miracle

for as long as we can. Who knows? Our philosophy

is born out of the Spirit, our human indomitable

spirit that drives us to higher levels of energy.

It's good to be alive and in good company!

Lucky you and me for having found a mutual liking.

There the Sun agrees as it sends out its warm rays,

across the sea, to our space on the sand by the shore!

All round us is the quiet, pleasant, radiant atmosphere

on Safety Beach. They are all happy. Why not even us?

After all it is our Sunset Love and it's true!

Dancing with you

 I have just come back to dancing after a number of years

of not doing so. How lucky I am now that you are my dancing

partner and a generous one at that! For you like to dance

with other good dancers and so do I. A perfect match, it seems!

Your energy, vitality and sense of fun is infectious. You are spoiling

me with this time on the dance floor. I am even losing some weight

along the way whilst having a lot of fun. The company you keep,

the places we visit are in tune with our experience dancing to 'our'

music! So what is 'our music'? It's strange to say it. It is the music

of our youthful years, the songs we remember, the tunes we like...

and we are lucky to have in our city the venues that are suitable

for so many Third Age people, who still think and behave young.

What is time after all? Are we not still young in terms of Eternity?

Let's not prejudice our golden years by focusing on age. Rather let's

look at ourselves and continue to be whom we have always been!

We are interested in living and taking each day as it comes, helping it

along with good humour and laughter. Yes, keeping things 'light and

breezy' suits us well. We wake up each day and welcome the sun.

The same sun that went to sleep last night after our Sunset Love

time on the sand,  as we admired the horizon between sky and sea!

Such is happiness when love and mutual care is welcomed in our lair.

All we need to remember is that each day is special and we must

protect our togetherness! The bond that binds and lasts whilst

rejoicing in our freedom and carefree attitude. That's it for now!

Companion, love, friend

I am trying to work out the order of these three: companion,

love, friend for this Sunset Book 3. Companion for giving each

other quality time in pleasant and mutually satisfying activities.

Going to a movie, a few hours at the beach to watch the sunset,

a picnic or dinner for two, going out to a symphony orchestra

performance at the Myer Music Bowl, an outing on the Mornington

Peninsula, then picking blueberries off the road. So many other

activities already experienced and more to come. Who knows?

Love for looking after each other, thinking healthy thoughts

with care and optimism, having joy in the presence of each other

and generally wanting the best for the other. Friend is special

because a friend in need is a friend indeed! A friend you can trust

and hold dear, in spite of any distance or being near! These three

wise kings of our emotional well being are the ones we want

to travel together, as time goes by. For time is a precious

commodity not to be wasted in unnecessary banter

or conversations that lead nowhere. In these cases silence

is perhaps the mother's milk that every baby needs.

We know that such milk is not always available naturally

or by design.Then is this order right? For Sunset Love I think

it is. Circumstance and reality play their part in our togetherness.

We protect our freedom by doing this. That's the price we must

pay to retain liberty.  Such is the way it has to be...  and it is!

Missing you...

 It's going to be hard not seeing you frequently

after such beautiful times together. Just you and me

on those free days when we both can share so much

joy and good banter. It's o.k. to have different views

and not to agree on everything. Also appreciated are

those caring health comments, your more ingrained

conscious awareness of keeping a good attitude

and practice! However it's true that having personal

freedom is, at this stage in life, essential. Again you

are more in tune with handling freedom in a very

admirable way. I have a lot to learn in this respect,

but, as a friend, I value freedom just as much.

Having met you has changed my usual daily lifestyle.

Now I want to go out more and enjoy the fresh air,

the sunshine, the wind and even those days when

the weather is less clement. Not to mention those

social outings to Italian clubs where we can dance

and be with other friends and acquaintances. Now

at my desk writing these lines in between my usual

commitments with books, culture, education

and entertainment, I am more aware that I too could

pursue other interests. However I value what I do

and feel happy in doing so! Somebody told me once,

'Tom, don't you know? Life is a balancing act!" So true:

in this case too! Without taking away the fact that right

now I am missing your company... can't help myself!

Am I imposing on you?

 Sometimes I get the feeling that I am imposing

on you. I didn't have this feeling before... only

occasionally in the last couple of months. What

is going on? Is it me or am I reading your feelings

correctly? I know that friendship can sometimes be

a little heavy, that we individually want space to do

the things that we need or want to do. Yet not wanting

to distance the other at the same time. It's a hard

balance to achieve! Maybe we can be more clear

regarding the times when we can be together. Is this

too difficult? On the surface it seems so because the day

to day is at times unpredictable. It's the same with texts

or video calls. Are these too frequent? Do they bother you?

Are you happy for me to text you as I have done, almost

everyday? What is our future as friends if we don't stay

in touch? Maybe our true friend is liberty. That sense

of freedom that we have on our own, when we don't have

to think of the other, when we follow our daily routines,

look after our health and have fun. Also to have those

precious quiet times reading or just relaxing. And love?

Where is love in this? Where does 'love' go when we want

to be left alone? So does love go on holidays too? Will it

become a friend without expecting much in return? And time?

Will it be wasted? Will those opportunities be lost or will they

float about like a butterfly? It's all so confusing, really! Maybe

it's best just to be less introspective and let each day rule itself.

Don't write anything. Don't take those photos and footage

of what we do. Just enjoy each day when and if it happens!

And forget: is this what we want?

Let's meet this time...

 When everything is right between us, I feel it's going

to be a good day. For I need clarity and to look forward

to a day together when we share our activities. Right now

I am thinking of you and letting my thoughts wander

in different places where we could be. Planning the day

is not too hard when you need some quiet peace

in my company. That's been the trade mark of our love:

to have enjoyed each other's presence. Why is it that

I am still in doubt? Perhaps it's just me wanting more

of your time together. I wonder whether you feel the same...

perhaps you do but want me to keep guessing as to what

you're going to do... So let's be together this time: have our

own special day of fun. We can then decide to repeat

this experience during our new Autumn Season when

the grape vines are ripe! So many other trees will reach

their generous time for people to pick their fruit. Such

happiness in natural environments in the Mornington

Peninsula where life is lived in harmony by the sea.

Occasionally Melbourne's attractions are just as inviting.

This balance of living in a variety of places is truly the road

to good vibes, joy and happiness. Let's not spoil this adventure

by walking at a different pace. Some give and take becomes

necessary if we are going to make it together in true mateship.

Setting aside all doubts and going forward with 'light and breezy'

needs its own surety. We are there now. So let's make the most of it.

Time will determine the rest... whilst we enjoy this special day

and look forward to many more...

Oh well!

 Oh well, it is what it is! Time to move on and rediscover

myself! This is another gift from Sunset Love: a gift I will

cherish with open arms. Moving on and doing other activities

on my own or in 'other' company! After all, we all need many

friends, companions and mates to move forward and be

ourselves! You are doing that beautifully as the sun rises

each day and bids us all 'Good Morning'! It's a new day!

One for us to do what we wish to do, as we please. I will join

this 'we' team in the days, weeks and months ahead. Will I end

up happy and with joy in my heart without being with you, so

frequently as in the past few months? Who knows? Time will tell.

In the meantime, the Brunswick Pool, Princes Park and neighbouring

clubs are waiting for me again. It's so long since I have enjoyed

my own beloved activities. It's now time to pick up where I left off!

Just doing those simple things and living in the now without expecting

those frequent texts and video calls. They will come occasionally

and I will be very happy. But a little distance, some detachment

will replace "il mio attaccamento"! A good thing for both of us, as you

have made me understand. I'll trial this new way and see whether

I will calm my loving spirits. Let the dolphin enjoy its own ways.

Let the butterfly roam about in her own space. We are all confined

to our own desires. So this is a new road that I must travel as each day

unfolds with dawn in the sky. May this road lead to good places

and people who will smile for a while as I rejoice in my freedom!

Honesty is the best policy

 Working things out requires sincerity with a touch

of honesty and respect. For it is only in this way

that true friendship can flourish and grow strong.

It's important to clarify the order of activities and chosen

mutual picks to remain on the same page. These are

the bits on the list that have priority over the others.

Some things can wait, others not ! So talking together

to reach unity of purpose will give us our individual

and collective freedoms without compromising

the mateship developed over months of Sunset Love.

It is true that we feel love and liking for each other.

That we want the best outcome in all aspects of our life's

journey to the end. It's so true that we have met on this new

railroad train. We have found good empathy for each other

and have enjoyed our time in this wagon. It's now time for me

to rediscover what is in the other wagons, for you have already

travelled on these on your own more frequently than me

and for a much longer period of time. I know that I too can

do this with hope, confidence and will power. But I want to do

this not at the expense of our Sunset Love! This must remain

close at heart and this needs its own time and space. Let's hope

that the future holds us in its good care and as we have agreed

to before, let's keep things 'light and breezy!'. This I promise

I will do as I learn to roam in my own individual activities 

and choices. I know that is what you want too!

Cuore in fuoco

 Lo sai tu che mi manchi quando accendo il fuoco

nel mio cuore. Forse e' vero che mi tieni lontano

per far crescere quella voglia d'amore. Pero' non

mi dire di stare qua solo senza di te. So di averti

vicino e ti tocco nel vuoto come in un sogno. Passo

la giornata pensando ai nostri balli ed alle tante uscite

insieme. Non mi bastano perche' tu sei per me

la mia vera bella bella. Amami di piu' di quanto faccio io

per te... forse chiedo troppo. E' la prova del mio grande

amore che e' arrivato al tramonto quando il sole sta

scendendo e non sappiamo quando cadra' la sua tela

per noi due. Adesso amiamoci ogni momento e lascia

che i nostri cuori riscaldino questi giorni d'autunno.

Prepariamo le castagne ed un boccal di vino buono.

Brindiamo al nostro grande amore, allietiamo ogni giornata

insieme con gioia nei pensieri e felicita'. Sei tu che mi fai

rivivere la gioventu'. Sei tu che mi accompagni se lo vuoi.

Sei tu che fai entrare nel mio spirito il tuo sorriso e quei tuoi

occhi che scintillano quando mi guardi. Forse pensi a quel

che penso e non ti sbagli. Io penso a te!

Feeling Blessed

 How good is it when things go smoothly. We did meet

to go to the Moomba Parade. The three of us arrived

on different transport: train, bus and tram. We met

at the piazza of the National Gallery of Victoria where

people gather in between two ponds of water features

and in front of the big cascading water on the big glass

panel at the entrance. It's a beautiful area this one.

Melbourne's pride and joy where residents, visitors

and tourists flock. Today we did too! And the Parade

in the inside of the Queen, King and Domain gardens

did not disappoint! It was absolutely a treat to see

this happy crowd and even happier groups of Parade

participants. Whether they were young or old, born in

Melbourne or from elsewhere. It was as if the whole world

was represented with its multi coloured human kind.

The costumes were just so colourful, the music relentless

from one genre to another, according to the groups

that made up the parade. Only a few floats this year,

but then the number of Dance Studios students and dance

enthusiasts provided the magical atmosphere that the crowd

was waiting for. The people flanked the road as security

personnel ensured that all went smoothly. We loved being

there amongst so much diversity and friendly comraderie.

One big happy mass of people who came together and had fun.

That's Moomba for you in this Grand Old City with a young

and green heart. Our Melbourne: a most liveable City!

Looking forward to seeing you...

 Do you feel like me when we decide to see each other

again? It's like you have been away for so long, even if

I just saw you yesterday or a few days before. How are

we going to keep when time will come without seeing

each other for a while? Maybe it's better not to think

about it. Just love these opportunities when we can.

Sunset Love is good for us even if the sky is grey

and bleak. We know that the night is about to descend

and our time at the end of each day is special. Ask me

why? Because then I think of you. Do you do the same?

Approaching the night with delight and preferably with

a glass in hand in the warmth of our bed... to be with you

then is only a dream, before closing our eyes and waiting

for the new dawn! What a night! Sleeping in company

from far away. Thinking of you from where I am makes life

a lot more bearable. You are my new sunshine, my dawn!

So how are we going to manage another day? Will you be

there at the appointed spot? Will I feel anxious waiting

for you to come, give me a hug and kiss? What shall we do?

Maybe just being with you is enough! Maybe you feel as I do

or do we go on another of our activities? What does it matter

anyway! Seeing you will be more than enough for another

day! You are here! Let's go!


 Finding a person to love is like finding a needle

in a haystack. Generally we find love in our younger

days when we fall for each other and cannot live

without the other... or rather, we make a commitment

to 'love', to remain together, to be one. Then it so happens

that our 'love' wanes perhaps, but we move along with it

because we develop each other into unity, with family

and friends.We share our life, we make progress. Not

always. For some that 'love' gets lost and each person

finds that they made a mistake... so separation, divorce,

living again on one's own turf is the new reality. Others

do this later in life, except when death arrives and knocks

on our partner's door! Here is a new reality. One that arrives

naturally with warnings or no warnings at all. So we are left

on our own and still needing 'love' in our life... and, if we are

lucky, we find 'love' again! This time 'love' is no longer

a stranger. 'Love' becomes a friend, a companion and it follows

us daily in our journey.  Going to activities and outings together

forges strong bonds of friendship. Here 'love' is more mature, real!

For even if we live apart, we are together in spirit. We want our

sunset years to be happy ones, full of adventure and fun.

Laughter in our company, sharing ideas, wanting to understand

the other, but fully knowing our individuality. For even if we love

each other, this does not mean being truly one all the time!

We live our own life and make allowances for each other's

commitments and likes. Loving you is no problem at all when we

understand that 'love' is mutual and it is shared like a box

of chocolates and a glass of brandy or cognac, watching

a favourite movie or just remaining silent on a Sunset

evening at the beach. Love, joy and happiness is us now!

What's happening?

My inspiration has slowed down for only a little while.

It's back stronger than before, but wanting more

of your company! Maybe you are not feeling well,

your energy is under more control, waiting for

a clearance before you begin again your frenetic

pace with family, friends and me! We are more

comfortable now in our knowledge of each other

and what we can and want to do. I was thinking...

how about a movie? Or just a walk in a beautiful

park? What about another dancing night? Or back

in a swimming pool and spa... and sauna? I don't

even mind a new restaurant night, but here we have

a challenge. A weight challenge: trying to outdo each

other losing some weight for health sake and strength!

Our day is fully mature, the sun is high near the horizon.

The sea beckons and that beach walk is near. Shall

we try our outings a little further out? To test whether

we continue to truly enjoy each other's company.

Precursor outings closer to our homes before

we venture out further afield or overseas. Let's hope

that Our Universe protects and gives us its generous

hand so that we realize our current dreams

of togetherness and love in friendship. Let's drink

to this, let's smile at each other. Give me a twinkling 

of your bright eyes, give me cheeky pleasantries

and challenging my views. You know that I love

this because in this way we keep our individuality

and our natural personality. So what are you doing

now or in the next few days? Don't stay away from me.

Let's see what happens next. Maybe this new Sunset

will provide another lot of joyful inspiration for you

and me, and together we will be three!

As time goes by...

 As time goes by, familiarity steps in and begins

to gnaw at our initial joy and happiness of getting

to know each other and having all those firsts...

a walk on the beach, a swim in the sea, sitting

on the sand and admiring sunset together, taking

these beautiful pics and reflecting on our first meeting.

How come we have hit it off so soon, without much

waiting and just doing. So naturally, as if we had known

each other for a very long time. Yes, we knew each

other but only fleetingly on the dance floor and a picnic.

But how good has it been to have found each other

and companionship. Friendship is also developing

as love and appreciation of who we are takes shape

and matures with each passing day. Yet we live our

lives individually and pursue our own interests and likes.

We are also committed to our families and enjoy those

periods apart when each continues our own tasks

and obligations. Yes there are also our hobbies

and personal sport choices. Not forgetting our quiet

times and as the months ahead will unfold it'll be so

much easier to say "ciao, I'll see you in a couple

of weeks!" As if we have so much time in our hands

that we can squander easily. We must remain alert

and willing to keep this togetherness intact. How we

are going to do this, I don't really know. Just thinking

of you is not enough... but as time goes by even this

can help our friendship to grow. For we have established

a strong bond of love and mutual respect. We also

understand that we must do what we individually have

to do. However we do know that when we get the chance

to spend a few hours together... this is special. A very

enjoyable time is assured unless our phones cut off,

we miss the appointed place for a meeting and all other

possible eventualities! But we know that even these

negatives cannot stop our desire to be with each other.

To enjoy our smiles, chats and banter as we sip on

a glass of something or enjoy our meals together

at a picnic or indoors! Love it!


They say that familiarity breeds contempt.

A saying that needs to be appreciated since we

all as individuals become familiar in our family,

with lovers and friends, including companions

and in our places of work and play. At first we meet

someone: everything about that someone is new.

The phase of discovery is interesting and we slowly

appreciate the other person's virtues and faults.

The same occurs with the other person who will

discover our strengths, talents, weaknesses and faults.

Love is possible and liking too, but then as time goes

by the predictable responses by the other can become

irritating and at times unpleasant. Disagreements

naturally arise and resistance can become the norm.

This is the phase when familiarity takes hold. The more

we see or talk to the other... the worse traits emerge.

A process of 'not liking' the other's personality, views,

talents and choices! We then try to keep a bit

of distance from the other, not fully wanting to cut

a developed relantionship. Real love and care have

work to do. These two need to lead each person

in appreciating the other's traits and overcome

emerging dislike or disapproval of what the other does.

Our individuality begins to hold our togetherness hostage.

We do and we don't want to see the other. We do

and we don't want to go out on activities that have

by now become predictable events... like having

a cup of tea or caffellatte. We know what the other wants,

thinks, reacts to and likes. Even those things that seem

hard to accept in the other. Familiarity by now has become

a problem! So what do we do? Do we continue to value

and revalue the relationship? Here real love, patience

and feelings of togetherness will give the fruits of a true

friendship, a true love for the other! Love is the answer

every time!

Feed back

 How good is it when someone gives you

feedback on the way you conduct yourself.

Even just being able to appreciate how

an egg can be cooked in your own special

way or the opinions that you hold dearly.

Diversity is the spice of life, yet some humans

still think that their way is the only way.

Therefore feedback is not given. Resistance

and the 'silence' approaches are adopted

in favour of true honest communication.

Just to think that since the dawn of time,

people in our common humanity have

favoured war over peace. In fact they

have only had peace after lengthy battles

in unnecessary and counterproductive wars:

whether amongst nations, groups of people

or individuals. We like the competitive nature

of our being. We should instead do what

we preach when we speak about peace,

care for each other, loving one's neighbour!

These elements that are present in their

duality, with good and bad at the forefront

are the seeds in us. This duality in all

universal things is represented by life

and death, the beginning and the end,

or the end and the beginning! I appreciated

the fact that you gave me feedback

when I mentioned that it would be

a good thing for me to have. To know

how you truly feel and see the present

and the way forward. Our minefield

of emotions in pursuit of an honest

and reliable friendship needs to be

revisited often, after scouring our time

together to see whether there are

any seeds of discord. These we must

hold at bay in favour of  those seeds

that allow progress as the relationship

friendship settles and changes over time.

I appreciate in you so many positives

when you challenge me over the way

I conduct myself, over my often unreasonable

expectations without necesserily expecting

a favourable result for my effort in trying

to make my point and have it my way.

You are instead more wise and experienced

in this dual approach to life and your freedom.

So if we truly want to have freedom in our friendship

we need to give each other 'Feedback'!

Waiting for you

 It's been a week since I saw you last time

and then only for an evening at the movies.

There was another week without seeing you!

It's probably better not to see each other too

often! Waiting for you now gives me pleasant

thoughts about this interlude. I am literally

on edge counting the minutes or hours

(whichever one comes first) before you arrive!

For I know that your smile and shining bright eyes,

your hug will make my day! Is that all? Well, it's

plenty because we are going for a walk or just

choose to do whatever we want. By now all is good,

whatever the activity! What matters is to be together.

Happiness after all comes sometimes from

the simplicity of our expectations. No need

for much as long as we go out and have fun

together. See the sights, stop under trees

and statues, gaze at the flowing Merri Creek,

drive through our busy Melbourne roads

and enjoy our company, as we catch up

with our big list of daily chores and events.

Our friendship is strong, we can even withstand

an unexpected interruption! Like what has just

happened. I had forgotten that the Telstra

technician was due to come today in our

afternoon meeting. Lucky us that I have so many

books and much to see here in this warehouse

where I spent my days continuing with my various

activities. On the other hand you live near the beach

and have a totally different lifestyle. It's a wonder

that we meet as often as we do! Even with the best

of intentions, sometimes we cannot meet and catch up

for a Sunset evening by the beach or going to one

of our clubs dancing. Well maybe things will improve...

but now let me have this NBN connection. After this

our own connections will be stronger, faster

and more frequently!

Ode to Silvana

Oh Silvana, oh Silvana, do smile as often

as you do when you are with me. Your cheeky

repartees bounce off me like cherries on a tree.

Such joy and happiness you bring each time

we meet for an activity! These have become

numerous and varied over the time I first uttered

your name: Silvana! You were then a real lightning

bolt that struck my chords with pure resonance.

Over the months of Summer and now in Autumn,

your bright eyes still hold my attention and project

towards me a surreal attraction. Always hoping

to see you, to talk to you, to text or video call you,

to be with you.These are our times in togetherness

as good friends. We enjoy each other's company

and love to share our meals and drinks when it's

time after our activities. There is something to do,

or make or write to keep our attention and interests.

We know how to read the other's needs and ensure

that they are met. A sign of great care and love,

appreciating our different personalities. We bounce

off each other as if we know naturally what to do or say.

No discord is ever too long, for harmony is the name

of our game. After all happiness can be a very brief

experience or it can mature as we hold hands

and move to our next meeting time! Oh Silvana,

oh Silvana, come along and let's be merry for

tomorrow is tomorrow, but today is time for fun

and play! Let's have more todays as we dance

to our favourite tunes or just sit quietly in a movie

theatre watching our chosen film. Let's drink

and be joyous as we sit on the sand waiting

for Sunset by the seashore. Oh Silvana, you are

a dream girl. So sogni d'oro until tomorrow

or till we meet again! Oh Silvana...

A chant experience

 You said: "Come along this afternoon. We are going

to do yoga together." No surprise to me since you are

well versed in alternate lifestyles and Indian experiences.

Food, dancing, costumes and dress, chanting and spiritual

moves give you a lot of insight into wise philosophies

for living in harmony with everyone and your environment.

Yes, you do live very well and enjoy each day appreciating

whatever it offers, including all your obligations! These latter

you meet head on and win everytime because the people

you love, care or just meet seem to love your personality and

way of  doing things. You are also a great conversationalist

and can come into any topic with ease, confidence

and assurance of what you know. You don't mind saying:

'I don't know.' That's another good quality! But let's get back

to our afternoon where the yoga class planned turned into

a meeting of Indian meditation, song and chants accompanied

by a harmonium and various percussion items such as bells,

wooden sticks, a few drums and the clapping of hands.

The competent singers presented a few Indian words

on a board and then proceeded to create chants with

the repetition of those Hindi words in choral fashion.

The food, company and the view from the upstairs room

welcoming a sunset over the horizon, the sea and trees!

It was a few hours of reflection, with silence and good

feelings to show the way forward to a healthy philosophy

of life. A lot like religious belief, but for me totally different

from my own! It's good to see and reflect on the rich diversity

of our world in which the idea of God is universally present

in our spiritual and emotional make up! Even when we say

we don't believe, we actually can benefit by rituals of diverse

ways of acknowledging our human and limited life span.

This was an unexpected activity that allowed me to experience

'chants' accompanied by a musical instrument that was perfect

for a chanting session. Thank you for the invitation and your

company in this realm of spirituality.

Autumn days

 It's getting colder as the days approach the final

month of Autumn. Winter will soon arrive and being

at home is more ideal to pursue indoor games playing

cards or chatting whilst preparing a hot meal minestrone!

Outside the wind and icy air from Antarctica arrives to keep

us inside... yet this very time can also be an opportunity

to visit the seashore and walk on the sand. Not many people

there at this time of the year. But the sea attraction is also

very strong. How about getting out to experience the wonder

of the sea? Watching the waves crash against those rocks,

or forcefully make their way onto the sand.Taking our shoes

off and walking on the edge of the salty water. Looking closely

to see the small fish and sea creatures. Picking up shells to take

home, occasionally cuddling up for human warmth, admiring

the clear sky and the variety of bird life living their daily routine

whilst looking for food or, like us, keeping each other company.

This is a first for us too! Experiencing the end of another season

as we move towards these winter months of rest and sleep. Nature

tells us that we must recharge our depleted energies, making plans

perhaps to go to warmer climates, like migratory birds and tourists

alike! Soon I will be with you again. Too long a wait, but soon waiting

no longer! Let's enjoy a few Autumn days to remember!

What we want

 We want what we want when we want it! Often this 

does not happen. So how do you go round this

problem of not getting what you want? Some people

throw tantrums, some others sit silently and brood,

but I prefer to just wait and see that it comes to me

when it is ready for me to have it! If another person

is involved in what I want, in what you want, in what

each one of us wants, then the problem becomes

complicated. When one uses the tantrum method

or the brooding one, the problem gets solved easily.

It's black or white. You get it or not! But when you use

'patience' to see how things develop, and what the other

person is going to do, the problem gets resolved because

the patient person looks for other solutions, looking outside

of the square, so to speak. For the patient one has had

time to realize that the initial hope to do what you want

when you want it is not going to happen. It's better to look

elsewhere! So do you throw the baby out with the bathwater?

Do you stop friendship or companionship or love just because

you don't get what you want? Again the answer is not all that

complicated for the 'patient' one. Just look outside of the square,

keep everything in place as it is, don't rock the boat and let

the other person have the freedom to pursue their own likes.

As a result, you can do the same and follow your heart

wherever it takes you! Each person follows their own journey

in life, and when there is no formal commitment, then freedom

of choice is possible and doable. Journey along your own path

and when this crosses with those of your friends, enjoy the company,

the love and friendship. But also be happy when this is not the case,

enjoy your own company, do your own activities, choose whatever

pleases you! Identifying what we really want is hard enough, then when

you are clear about this, denying our true wishes is counterproductive.

It's better to admit and accept the truth, no matter how harsh it may seem.

For things are what they are and often we cannot change what is!

Better to keep things 'light and breezy' if we want to be happy!